Friday, May 30, 2008

Well here I go.......

After sitting on the edge for quite a few months I have finally made the leap into the world of "blogging".
Fabulous Friday started with a difference as TK was part of his first interschool chess tournament. So we hit the deck a little earlier than usual today as he had to be at the station bright and early for the trek to the "other side" of Melbourne. He had been counting the days down for the past month and was very excited. So with a lunch box full of goodies and a head full of instructions from a slightly nervous mum about what to do if you get lost or lose your parent helper or if someone tries to lure you away from the group with the offer of he went! My day then proceeded as per any other Friday, with the exception of knowing my little man was not within a 10km radius, or 50 km radius for that matter. But it was all worth it - he came home with his chest puffed out as he had won one game and drew another, and contributed to his school winning overall! He thought it was just fantastic - the best part of the day was "beating the other guy," of course I should have known that!!!